CA4Y Mentoring was founded by young adults who have aged out of the foster care system. Having had to acquire essential life skills on their own, often through challenging means, they were determined to ensure that other youth would not face the same difficulties. CA4Y employs individuals with lived experiences in child welfare, juvenile justice, homelessness, and the criminal justice system. We believe that those who have firsthand experience with these issues are best positioned to provide effective solutions. Our staff’s lived expertise allows them to connect with youth in ways others may not and we actively seek volunteers with similar backgrounds to further support our mission.

Our peer-to-peer mentor program is designed to honor and enhance the existing structures in youths' lives while providing critical support during their transition to adulthood. Our partners include Residential Treatment Centers (RTCs), General Residential Operations, innovative workforce development providers, and other key organizations. We recognize that many adolescents in care reside in these types of placements and often lack the individual, interpersonal connections typical of more family-based settings.

Harris County particularly lacks peer and youth-led initiatives that foster near-peer relationships and incorporate youth voices into organizational frameworks and services for youth and families. Throughout the development of our programming, CA4Y staff has discovered that building relationships and maintaining consistency, even remotely, is crucial for connecting with and earning the trust of youth in care. As a result, these youths frequently reach out to CA4Y’s young adult staff for ongoing support.

Since our inception in 2018, CA4Y's programming has evolved to meet the specific needs of each RTC we partner with. Currently, we conduct bi-monthly visits to two RTCs in Katy and Houston. We have witnessed significant growth not only in the youth we serve but also within our own team, as these enduring relationships foster a deep level of commitment and development among our staff.

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